Firearms Training Center

Thank you for your enrollment in the Sandy Run Outdoors Firearms Training Center (FTC) SCCWP Class. Your class will be taught by a United States Concealed Carry Association and SC SLED approved instructors. You will be given the most current and up to date information available by professional and knowledgeable instructors. Our goal at Sandy Run Outdoors FTC is to provide the community of Sandy Run and the surrounding area a safe and fun environment to learn about firearms and firearm safety. Upon completion of this class, you will be directed on how to complete the process of submitting your SCCWP application. After completion of this course, please feel free to leave comments on our social media pages and follow us on Facebook. Also, ask us about our other classes offered in our training center. Thank you, once again, for your enrollment and we look forward to serving all your firearm needs.

The following are guidelines for your upcoming class:

● The class usually takes between 5 - 8 hours. You will need to be here by 7:45am. The class will begin at 8:00am.

● ALL firearms will need to be unloaded and ALL magazines empty before bringing into the classroom or the store.

● You must have a STRONG SIDE holster and belt.

● You must provide 50 rounds of ammo for your firearm. Some ammo may be available in store for purchase, but you must purchase prior to class to ensure you have it the day of class.

● Proper ear and eye protection must be worn on the range during qualification.

● NO flip flops, sandals, open-toed shoes, or tank tops are allowed on the range, at all times. You should have an outer garment in order to draw from concealment.

● Bring a notebook and pencil to class to take notes.

● Firearms PROHIBITED for qualification: Single Action Revolvers, .22lr Handguns, Hi-point, Jimenez or Cobra Arms. If you have a question about firearms allowed or not, please ask in advance.


1. Treat ALL firearms as if they are loaded.

2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.

3. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until the firearm is pointed at the target you intend to fire at.

4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.